Commercial coffee machine that uses pressurised steam require PSSR when older than 14 months from date of new supply, can prove to be a risk that you may want to avoid. This is because you have a statutory obligation to meet the stringent legal requirement of the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000
Written Scheme of Examination: It specifies the nature & frequency of examinations. An annual check by an independent inspector to check that your machines meet with the required standards.
A Test is designed to prevent serious injury from the hazard of stored energy.
Coffee Machine boiler operates at 100°C and over, it comes under the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations.
Insurance: If you continue to use an espresso machine with a steam boiler without the required testing, you will be in contravention of the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 which will firstly, invalidate a comprehensive insurance claim made regarding any incident on that machine.
Commercial coffee boilers incorporating a pressure vessel (e.g. cappuccino makers) generate steam and therefore come under this requirement of PSSR. If your machine is due for its boiler certification that is required then get in contact with us. It is a statutory examination that is designed to ensure that the pressure systems within your
How the PSSR inspection works?: An on-site examination of when the system is cold and stripped down through to a test to full pressure working conditions – for example, the proper functioning of safety valves is a key aspect of the test. If your machine complies with these standards you will be issued with a certificate of compliance.
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